Friday, July 16, 2010

Coney Island...a Walk on the Wild Side

Coney Island...surely the epitome of amusement parks in the early part of the 20th century, which unfortunately fell into decline after WW2. In more recent years it has seen some resurgence in popularity, and still attracts its share of thrillseekers, sunworshipers and oddities of the two-legged variety.

The name originally came from the Dutch name of Konijnen Eiland (which means Rabbit Island), as recorded by the settlers in the 17th century. (yes, my Anglophile friends...New York was originally New Amsterdam. More on that later.)

A view of the boardwalk, with one of the original rides in the background called the Parachute Jump, which was part of the 1939 New York Worlds Fair.

Another view of the boardwalk. The Ferris Wheel is also called the Wonder Wheel, originally constructed in 1920 (and a sign proudly proclaims no injury in its entire history...hmmm.).

The beach and pier in the background

Miranda dancing to the roll of the tide

Speaking of oddities...we thought this was Santa Clause on his summer vacation...and to think I was worried about what to wear! (I'm talking about the guy on the right, in case you were wondering)

Nathan's...I think the billboard says it all.

A Nathan's Coney Island hot dog.

I named this guy Mr. Snake. He walked up and down the boardwalk with his pet boa constrictor...and yes he drew a few crowds, as well as more than a few "ews".

Horse on the Merry-go-Round

David and Miranda on the Wonder Wheel

No, we did not go on this ride.

I thought about asking this guy for an arm-wrestling match...

...and this was Mr. Muscle's cousin.

This photo was included in the interest of diversity and inclusiveness, so that people of all body types are equally represented.

Handball seems to be a very popular sport in New York.

A pensive image in the reflection

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